Published on March 5th 2022
I love helping my clients buy and sell homes. Part of what I enjoy is viewing homes. If you invite me over for game night or a dinner party and say “Scott, you’re in real estate, can I show you around?” the answer is always HELL YA! Weird. I know, but I love looking at people’s houses.
I get tremendous satisfaction in putting up a sold sign or opening the door to a client’s new home and I hope to continue to do that for the remainder of my career. But when I think about my profession and what I can do to make an impact, I get truly excited about commercial real estate.
I get tremendous satisfaction in putting up a sold sign or opening the door to a client’s new home and I hope to continue to do that for the remainder of my career. But when I think about my profession and what I can do to make an impact, I get truly excited about commercial real estate.
Commercial real estate shapes communities. Commercial businesses bring commerce and employ the people that buy houses. If we had no jobs, no people would live here; no people, no residential real estate.
Three years ago, I began prospecting commercial real estate in an area of Kamloops called Southgate. Southgate is in the middle of town. Dating back to the 1970’s it was the edge of town and one of the original industrial areas. Prior to that it was forest.
Today, in 2022, it is bordered by Thompson Rivers University, retail and residential. The
industrial businesses that remain are hemmed in by modern day traffic, a growing university and retail shoppers rushing to responsibilities and engagements.
The premise behind my prospecting was dutiful and of course real estate driven (insert commission). Dutiful because the City of Kamloops was changing. The industrial companies that grew the City at the edge of town were now being squeezed by retail, residential and education. If I can help the industrial businesses move, I can help the City grow the way it is meant to expand and flourish.
Growing up in the lower mainland of Vancouver I have witnessed a ton of growth and change. I was sixteen during EXPO86 when that sleepy coastal city was exposed to the world. I have been in Kamloops since 2007 and although we have no EXPO (could you imagine?) our City is being noticed and it is growing incredibly fast. Commercial real estate shapes the growth.
If I can affect change and sell commercial properties to new businesses or existing businesses that are poorly located – I can help shape the community for years to come. Commercial Real Estate excites me!
The City council shares this vision and I know they will direct the opportunities to where the City should grow. This is growth that benefits our entire community. Give me the land to sell and I will help our City grow.